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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ouch Box 360

Hey guys I'm back and not rant about women or life. No today is to talk about me new hobby. I love to design stuff and I have always wanted to customize my stuff. I have watched many a video on how to mod Xbox 360 cases and controllers. So I decided to go and try my hand at modding a controller with LEDs and stuff. I ordered my supplies from Mycustomxbox.com a great site and the guy posts video on how mod controllers. If you want to try modding your stuff or want to pay to get your stuff modded check them out.
Anyway, today package arrived from them and I ran home to begin the modding. So 1st I changed the buttons for some white buttons I bought. I did that pretty quick and was happy with the result.
Looks pretty cool for a 1st step. So I then start to install the LEDs. I re-watched all the videos on how to install them. So I open up the controller and started to remove the original LEDs, and after a little trial and error I removed them without burning the board. I them opened the LED packaging and find that the LEDs are smaller than a grain of rice. Heck about 1/3 of a grain of rice. So as you can imagine I lost one. I then realize that I should have bought magnifying goggles so I could better see what I am doing. Now I could tell you a long drawn out story on how I was careful and installed the LEDs. Well I didn't I lost 2 more and gave up. While putting my tools away...OUCH!!!
I'm not sure if can see the white line but I burned myself. Not on the iron but on the freaking stand. So hurt, defeated and minus 2 LEDs to complete the 4 light set(they sent 5 LEDs), I put everything away and now I have an all white lightless controller. As I currently write this I have ordered 10 more LEDs. I will not give up! I need some light on this thing. After the LEDs are in I am gonna paint the controller. Pics will be posted. Well guys I'm out.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I can't wait to see the finished product. =)
